WSP on behalf of Worthing Borough Council, invites you to provide feedback on redevelopment proposals of the vacant landfill site at Decoy Farm, Worthing. The site has been identified as being strategically important for boosting employment opportunities and economic performance in West Sussex.
In 2021 we consulted with stakeholders and the local community on our plans to introduce an employment-led scheme of commercial, industrial and storage or distribution spaces. The feedback from this exercise was useful in shaping the final scheme proposals you will see on this website.
We would now like to offer you an opportunity to view our final proposals for the site ahead of the submission of the planning application in the coming weeks.
Please take your time to review the proposals and supporting information and provide some feedback.
Site Location Plan

Background to the site
The site lies to the east of Worthing and is located within the built-up area boundary, with Sompting located to the east. The site is approximiately 300m from East Worthing Train Station. It is approximately 7.1 hectare (ha) in area.
The site was a former landfill site which was used for the deposition of general household waste between 1970 and 1979. The site is largely underdeveloped and comprises of low-quality and overgrown wasteland.
The site has been remediated, and this was completed in March 2021.