The Proposals

The site has been identified as being strategically important for boosting employment opportunities and economic performance in the sub-region in the Coastal West Sussex Strategic Economic Plan (2016) and the Growth Deal with West Sussex County Council.

It is also allocated in the adopted Core Strategy (2011) under Policy Area of Change 12. The development principles include opportunities on the site for mixed employment use that could include a range of industrial units or open storage.

The delivery of new employment floorspace industrial / storage & distribution / research & development and possibly some limited trade counters will help support the growth of multinational cooperation’s and local SMEs.

What is Being Proposed

The proposals will comprise the introduction of units for a range of flexible employment uses.  It is anticipated that the maximum floorspace that could be delivered is approximately 16,000 sqm. A new access road, landscaping and associated works are also included in the proposals. The proposed development has the potential to improve the working environment and facilities for existing businessses in the adjacent business park and could attract new commercial tenants to the area. This will improve the long-term sustainability of the site and surrounding area.

If planning approval is granted, it is intended that Worthing Borough Council will retain and redevelop the site.

Aerial view of proposed development